Showing posts from 2021
The clothes...!
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Source: Google image search "Hey! are you busy? I need to talk about something." "Well, I'm preparing for a meeting, but anyways go on." "Have you ever wondered how come some chores are so boring and insignificant you wish you could skip them completely?" "Yeah! like what?" "Like separating fenugreek leaves, placing groceries in respective shelves/containers and worst of all the whole clothes arrangement." "Clothes? Really? I thought you love clothes." "I love buying them. Let me explain. Every day, I decide what to wear, wear them, collect all dirty clothes, dump those in the machine, schedule a wash cycle, pull them out once washed, dry them, pick them up once dried, fold them, segregate, put them back in the closet and then next day repeat the same cycle." "Okay, it does not consume a lot of time, does it?" "No! it does not, but it does consume a lot of my brain." "Oh really?" ...
Excerpt from a mother's diary #1
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While I was typing this post, my life's most worthy creation was sleeping beside me. Though nature did most of the work, I still credit myself for his mesmerizing cuteness. People say after kids, we forget ourselves and the kids become the center of our universe. You might hope I'll say otherwise, but I couldn't agree more, LOL! Image source: Google My son is less than 3 months but feels like he has been with us since always. Ever since I started future planning (somewhere at the age of 9 or 10), though naively, two kids and a dog were always part of my plan. I had no idea motherhood will be this fulfilling. Kids make us fall in love on a whole new level, much beyond what we were ever capable of. Seeing pictures of other kids I had texted aww but seeing my kid's eyes when he smiles, I feel that aww. My heart melts at such moments. To be honest, it is not always sunshine. I have changed myriad diapers, morning-evening, and in the middle of the night (I still do). I smel...
Stupid ideas : Curriculum for real life sciences #Shorts
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Ever wondered why there are no courses on ' parenting ' and ' life partnership ? Why there's no movie or series which depicts real-life actualities after marriage or childbirth? Probably because the ground reality is not glossy like the Facebook status. The truth is, with a loving spouse comes loads of responsibilities and some freaking absurd expectations. With a newborn bundle of joy comes sleepless nights and never-ending diaper-changing marathons for months to come. I might be sounding a bit monotonic, yes both events bring a whole new level of delight; however, they accompany their own set of travails, which barely anyone prepares us to face. Not everyone enrolled in engineering will end up being an engineer, or every law student will end up as a lawyer or judge, but 99.9% of them will eventually marry and will become parents, yet there is nothing to educate us for these real-life trials. Won't it be great if there are classes for boys to handle stress betwee...
The Dysfunctional Family...!
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What do you think of your family? Do you consider it normal, slightly abnormal, or highly dysfunctional? As a kid I never had any doubts, my family was a completely normal middle-class Indian family. Dad in a menial government job, mom to prove her value, worked as a private school teacher and they had two kids, me and my brother. Everything as expected. My brother and I viewed the world as a sketch our parents drew. Who to trust, what to learn, how to greet, and so on. Then inadvertently things changed. We moved out of our parent's home and grew our perspectives. Now somehow our conventional life started to seem a bit off. Now both of us are two grown individuals and can see our family through the lens we polished gradually with our experiences. The outcomes were not very exciting. As a result, we started poking our parents. Expected them to change. Their ways are now uncomfortable for us. Mom is no longer the epitome of perfection. Dad has his flaws as a person. (Isn't it str...
एक अन्तरावलोकन...!
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हर वो घटना जो एक नारी के सम्मान को ठेस पहुंचती है, पूरे देश में आक्रोश और बदलाव की मांग, की एक लहर उठा देती है | हम धरने करते हैं, नारे लगते हैं, सरकार से सख़्त कानूनों की मांग करते हैं, सरकारें एक दुसरे पर दोषारोपण करती हैं, कुछ झूठे वादे किये जाते हैं, और क्यूंकि यह इक्कीसवीं सदी है तो इन सब के साथ-साथ अपने बेटों को और बेहतर इंसान बनाने की बातें करते हैं | पर क्या इतने वर्षों में हम यह सीख पाए हैं कि अपनी बेटियों की परवरिश कैसे करें ? क्या बचपन में हमने अपनी बेटियों की यह सिखाया गया था कि कोई गलत तरह से छुए तो चिल्ला-चिल्ला कर सकबो बताना है ? या फिर यह कि बस चुप-चाप उसे भूल जाना है ? उससे इस बारे में कभी कोई बात करी या नहीं ? पर बात तो हमसे भी किसी ने नहीं करी, हम भी तो भूलना सीख गए | हाँ बात ना करना ही बेहतर है, वरना अजीब हो जायेगा ना थोड़ा ? विदाई के वक़्त आज भी लड़की को यही बोलते हैं क्या के आज से ससुराल ही तेरा घर है ? क्या अपने अपनी बेटी को ये बोला था कि आज से तेरे दो घर हैं ? है ना दो घर ? अच्छा ये...
An inevitable transition...!
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I was in school, when this one time my nanaji and my father both were extremely sick. Being from a middle class family, I have never witnessed any public display of affection between my parents. They only used to talk about the ration, bills and our school fees. The whole situation unknowingly convinced me that my mother did not love my father or his side of family. On the other hand, nanaji was mother’s best friend. They always stayed updated with each other’s life even in the postcard era. Despite of sharing a stronger bond with her father, mother decided to stay with her husband instead. I clearly remember mentoring my brain for the possibility that I might had to take care of papa. But when she didn't leave. I questioned her, “why?” To which she immediately replied, “Because this is my home and my priorities lies here. You will understand when you will grow older.” Strange! I thought. I am older now and have been married since last 3 years yet I did not find ...