Why Coherent Rambling...huh?


After eight long years since I started this blog in 2012, a pal called to inform me that my blog was the first result when she googled "coherent rambling." I should be thrilled, correct? Well, it didn't surprise me. There's only my blog named with these words. I already knew it's unique (considerably). I created it. Allow me to explain why.

In 2012, this blog had a different name, which I'm not going to tell. Cause I was in college, I didn't put much thought into it and opted for two words I heard most. Still not telling you. Then one day, I can't recall the day or even the year, my conscience rose and laughed at me for naming the blog so naively. Yeah, still not telling.

Anyways, I sat down to find a new name. But how? or where? or what should I look? Those days I was reading a lot and was fascinated with oxymorons. They sound morons but are clever and amusing. Oxymorons are the group of contradicting or opposite words used together. Like Open secret, cleary misunderstood, act naturally, and so on. Clever right? So it has to be an oxymoron!

But not the common one, something when people read, it must compel them to think or open a dictionary. I knew I would be rambling a lot in this space. My mind runs in different directions. Besides rambling sounds cool, it's a noun, a verb, and an adjective. So the literal meaning of rambling is to talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way. Bingo!

Then I needed an antonym for rambling. And boom, coherent pops up in search results. Google says "coherent" means a logical and consistent argument, theory, or policy. Put a "the" in front of the whole thing, voila!!!

So "The Coherent Rambling" means a place where my confused thoughts find a logical meaning. A place where my words sound inconsequential to you but are consistent with my heartbeat. 

I am 'Ayushi Prateet Khare', and I welcome you to The Coherent Rambling.


  1. I was thinking to ask you the same since many days, but now u revealed. I must say- amazing name it is.

  2. Oxymoron, my favorite too. :) In fact our thoughts are coherent ramblings hence the site name is so apt.

  3. Great article, Thanks for your nice data, the content is quiet attention-grabbing. i'll be expecting your next post.


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