I Love you Maa

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


Do you remember this day? It was my 5th birthday,and according to our custom I was standing for the evening pooja, ready with the plate of aarti, everyone was there, but my eyes were only looking for one person, I was looking for you. You were busy in the arrangements but all I wanted was you to leave everything and stand beside me, and finally you were there :)

Maa, you are the reason for my being able to see this world, you are the creator of my identity. The moments we shared together, can never be tied in words, whether it was the day when I said bye for the very first time I was leaving for school or my first cooking lesson, they can not be expressed in words. You taught me everything. I still remember the day I was leaving home for higher studies, I was sitting on your laps and crying that I would not be able to come back like the old days; and you said, "You are not going anywhere laado, you live in our hearts and you will stay here forever." These are the words which bless me with the courage to survive in this strange place. You made me strong enough to face every up and down in my life. You made me the person I am and I am so proud that I came to this world from your womb.

If someone compliments your daughter that is because I have inherited that quality from you maa. Today your laado is miles away from you, but she is still following everything you taught her. I love you maa, you are my best friend, my guide, my partner and my GOD. Love you maa, missing you a-lot.

- your's and only your's Aayu


  1. I love my mom too.. u post reminded me of her :)

    Also check out my entry

  2. Very good and touching post!!!.....:)

  3. Lovely post from one of the cutest soul I know. Aayu thanks for sharing the picture & sweet memories of you with your mother. I am glad to have a friend like you buddy :) Take care, miss you! All the best in life, I wish you complete your studies & go back to the blessed place we call home :)

  4. Very well written Ayushi.

    The line "If someone compliments your daughter that is because I have inherited that quality from you maa" caught my attention. It is truly applicable to all the daughters.

    I guess I m trying to say thanks cos you have reminded me of my memories with my mother.

    Neeta :)

  5. Lovely, cute, sweet, full of emotions - all in one! :D

  6. Nothing can beat this relationship, Ayushi.
    A beautiful post!:)

  7. Very touching post Ayushi....reminded me the poem I've written for my granny who was more like mother to me..

  8. Beautiful.................................. Just one word..........

    Someone is Special

  9. I am touched ...
    A wonderful dedication of Cute laado to her mumma :)
    How sweet!

    Best wishes to you..
    Stay smiling!

  10. Amazing post!!!.. in the world the most beautiful and the purest relationship Mommy & her kid...GOOD LUCK GOD love U

  11. Hi friend, I'm Hosting a Contest on 55 Fiction, It would be really Interesting. Check it out here "Best 55 Fictionist Contest." take care...!!!

  12. world's best bonding is between a daughter and her mother...Loved reading it...Hey !! you skipped last two Blog -a-ton's ..( if I am right)..missed your post there..
    A very happy New Year to you and your family...
    have a wonderful 2013

  13. first of all, that is a very cute pic :) The photo looks like, you must have been one mischievious girl :)
    And about the letter, your mom will be proud to read it :)
    Children can never do enough for their parents.
    You know why? bacause we cannot get so selfless as they have been and still are...ready to do anything and sacrifice everything, just for our one smile. The most we can do is love and care for them in all days of their life.


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