Protest Against Unclean Stubble #6

Once upon a time, on a peppy sunny day,
There was a guy, who definitely wasn’t gay;
He was proud of his dresses, his glasses and hair,
Everyone adorned him; he was a charming player;

Every girl wants him; this is what he thought,
But they only love his car, which he recently bought;
His heart beats for just one girl, whom he truly love,
Definitely loving her from distance, wasn't too enough;

Waiting outside her house, in his car with a tea cup,
He was stunned by her beauty, when she showed up;
His legs were trembling, but decision was strong,
He asked her out in the first line, ups he did it wrong;

He gathered his courage and stood next to her firm,
He was confident, that she will surely confirm;
She was baffled; and wanted him to avoid,
She laughed a bit first, but was really annoyed;

“Are you insane, or have you gone mad?
With this thing on your face, you look old like my dad;
I hate that unclean stubble; feels like you recently had flu,
But honestly reply, don’t you hate it too?”

His proposal was rejected, he was little depressed,
He was losing because of the stubble, this he couldn’t digest;
The girl felt his sorrow, put her hand on his shoulder,
“Get rid of this stubble, I’ll go out with you later”;

He jumped out of happiness, ran and got groomed,
He wore a white shirt, she’ll love it, he assumed;
The date was amazing, full of love, blush and laughter,
Everything ended well; and thus the happily ever after…

~Ayushi Khare

Doodles created on Bitstrips
A special thanks to Mr. Ankit Gupta for letting me use his avatar

Protest Against Unclean Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda.
I'm acknowledging the tag from SIS.
I would like to tag Cifar Shayar , and  Kalpana Solsi .


  1. nice poem for the prompt, responded to your tag at I will also tag you in future in hope of getting your response,thank you

  2. Ah! Everything ended well. I liked your poem a lot Aayu :)


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