Protest Against Smelly Stubble #4

*Alarm playing Good morning sunshine…*

Henry silent the alarm and got back to sleep.

*After 2 hours*

“Drat I’m late. I should better just take the shower. I’ll shave in the evening. ” Henry said to himself and jumped out of his cosy bed.

*After 20 minutes in shower, he came out, get dressed and walked out of his room.*

“Good morning guard uncle.” He shouted and waved his hand.

“Good morning beta, late? At-least you should have washed your face.” replied the guard.

Henry gave a disgust look and moved on.

“Good morning Miss Brown.” greeted Henry at the college entrance.

“I think someone forget to bath this morning.” Miss Brown smiled and waved her hand at Henry.

Now this time the statement surprised him. But he ran fast toward his class.

“May I come in sir?”

“Yes, only if you promise to bath and then attend my class tomorrow.” answered professor and everyone started laughing.

Henry came to his seat and asked his friends what is the matter with everyone. So they took his snap and showed it to him.

Henry threw his hands in disgust and folded them back like an innocent kid. “I hate my unclean stubble,I promise I’m never coming out of my room with this.”

This post is a part of the Protest Against Smelly Stubble Activity in association with BlogAdda.
Thanks for the tag SIS. I'm acknowledging your's here.
I would like to tag SIS, Usha and Henna


  1. Thanks for tagging me. I have accepted your tag here... and tagged you as well. Pls accept my tag too.

  2. Nice post :)

    I have tagged you in my post here

    Hope you accept my tag in your next post :)

  3. Well written post!
    I am passing the tag to you My Baby and I
    Hope you will accept mine :)


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