The 3 magical words for the very first time...!!!

The day was same as others, dull, boring and mundane. I was at the very age where whatever parents said, the first thought that used to pop up in mind was always, "They will never understand what I want."

I was straying in the old street behind my house. I was not suppose to be there, as it was always dark and people who roam there were not considered as good. But I was so upset with my parents, that I wanted to do everything they refused me ever before. "They want me to be friendly with everyone, but are not allowing me to go to my friend's birthday. This is so unfair", I said to myself, when I heard a voice.

Anyone might think that I was going to make a big a mistake but still I forwarded toward the sound. The street was growing darker, but I wanted to know, who was that. And who would have guessed that I was just about to meet the first love of my life.

There he was, the most incredible creation of God, with big shiny innocent eyes and the glowing body. The cutest and sweetest part of my life was just about to begin and all I wanted is to touch him, hold him in my arms. His innocent eyes were the first thing I saw and they made me skip a heart beat. My heart had never felt this before. For me, he was an impeccable creature of the almighty. So I went near him. I extended my hand of friendship with the hope of a positive response, and I got it. He came near me and start licking my hand. I was beyond happy. I took him up in my arms and said, "I love you cutie, and you are coming home with me." Looked like he understood what I said to him, he started licking my face, to show his love and gratitude.

From the very moment, Scooby and I have shared every moment of ecstasy and despair together. He never had spoken a word still we talk, he is not a blood relation, still understand me more than anyone of them, he is my first love and will always be.  He iss the true pedagogue of love, friendship and care.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


  1. Awww such a cute post.. loved it so much Aayu..

    Someone is Special

  2. Such an adorable post! Scooby is really lucky to have some one so lovable beside him :) Take care dear! Excellent post !

  3. Aaww...A very cute post indeed....... Lots of love to you and your Scooby :)
    Congrats for winning the WOW :)


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