A real pleasant surprise... !!!

You were just getting bore, turning the TV channels, thought of checking your mails, and you find out one of your friend has nominated your blog for "Liebster Award", now this is what called a real pleasant surprise.

I was beyond happy but I recollected myself, went through the link, read out all the rules and now I'm writing this for you my dear friends.

Firstly I would like to thank Akash for nominating me. As I came to know this from Akash, that Liebster is a German word which means the "Dearest or Beloved." As far as I know Liebster Award is a  sweet practice carried out by the bloggers themselves to show their love and appreciation to their fellow bloggers, it had started to encourage the upcoming bloggers and now has been spread worldwide since then. So my dearest friends congrats to you all and here is the whole scenario for you.

You have to follow certain rules, which are as follow:

a) Post 11 things about you.
b) Answer 11 questions from the nominator.
c) Choose 11 deserving bloggers and link them in your post.
(Nominees should have less than 200 followers.)
d) Set 11 questions for them.
e) Inform the nominees by commenting in one of their post.

As simple as this. 

So here are 11 facts about me : 

1) I am Ayushi Khare, a small town ambitious girl, lives just 45 KM apart from the international tourist place "Khajuraho".

2) I'm a final year computer science engineering student, and I'm placed in Wipro Technologies.

3) I am a very romantic and fun loving person. I can't stay sad for long.

4) I never refuse anyone for help, if I can genuinely help them. (obviously conditions applied. ) 

5) I love blogging, writing and reading both. I love to write things with a message, that I prefer to convey with a story. Apart from that I write poems in Hindi mixed with some Urdu words. (As I believe that Urdu is the most romantic and divine language to express yourself. )

6) Besides blogging, I love dancing. I'm a trained Kathak dancer and a home made painter.

7) My Maa Papa and my Nanu, are my ideal persons in this whole world. Through their life and struggle I have learned everything I need to know.

8) I am fabulous day dreamer, I had dreamed so many stories till now, that if I had remembered them, I could have written a 100 books on them. 

9) In the course of 21 years I had changed so many professions in my imaginations that I wanted to opt for my living, which ranges from being an air force pilot, to first lady president, to a lawyer, a doctor and even a video jokey. But finally ended up being an engineer, and I love my field.

10) One thing I hate is money, cause it creates the difference in people.

11) One thing I want to achieve in life is to be able to buy every luxury for my parents and show them this whole world.

Now my answers to the questions of my nominator :

      Q. What is your most embarrassing moment?
      A. Believe me, I don't experienced any till date.

      Q. Craziest thing you did?
      A. Was sneaking to of my hostel with my friends at 2 AM to have a cup of tea at the railway stations tea stall.

     Q. The person you miss at this moment.
     A. My best friend, whom I had lost a couple of years ago.

     Q. Have you watched any Rajnikanth's movie? If so, which one?
     A. Of-course I have seen many, my favorite is "Shivaji The Boss".

     Q. Which advertisement you like on TV?
     A. I love all pears adds, but the most favorite is the one in which they sang "Babar ka beta Humayun, Humayun ka Akbar."

Q. Your best friend has done something wrong to you behind your back, without your knowing. What would you do?
A. If he/she has involved himself in some unpleasant situation I would do my best to take him/her out of it. And whatever it is, I will stand with him/her.

Q. What is your most precious possession?
A. My best friends and my teddy (Kaddu).

Q. Which thing do you look for in a date, if at all you have had one before or in the future?
    (Money/ Profession/ Physical appearance/ any other)
A. I will never date anyone, if I don't love him, and for loving someone, there is no reason, cause if there is reason, there is no love.

Q. Favorite hangout place to spend time with your friends.
A. My own apartment and the city mall. 

Q. What is your short term dream?
A. To be an engineer with 7 digit salary.

Q. Suggest a unique name for my blog, according to what you feel about it.
      The best one may be selected.
A. This one is the best question Akash. I think "Wait for it" is a perfect name. May you live your dreams very soon, and everyone will wait for it, to read on your blog :)

Now the main part, my questions for you :

1) What is the meaning of your name? Do you believe you are living up-to it?
2) Which moment do you wish to live again and again?
3) Are you happy with your profession? If yes, why? If no, what you want to be?
4) Do you have any childhood dream you want to accomplish? If yes, what it is?
5) In what other way do you help poor apart from giving them money?
6) What one thing you want to vanish from this world?
7) What do you hate most about online social networking?
8) Any celebrity you want to date? and why?
9) If given a chance to exchange lives with anyone in this world? Who will be the person and why?
10) Which possessions of yours, you can't tolerate to be touched by others?
11) Define yourself in 4 words.

The Blogger friends I am nominating or I should say forwarding this award to are :

1) Kappu ( http://grafitti-on-my-wall.blogspot.in/ )
2) Rohan and Hetal ( http://ponderingtwo.blogspot.in/ )
3) Saro ( http://thisgreenplate.blogspot.in/ )
4) Harshal ( http://ponderingtwo.blogspot.in/ )
5) Richi ( http://richibaidwan.blogspot.in/ )
6) Megha ( http://insightinto-mylife.blogspot.in/ )
7) Aniruddh ( http://aniruuud.blogspot.in/ )
8) Reshma ( http://cerebralbabbling.blogspot.in/ )
9) Karan ( http://advkaranshah.blogspot.in/ )
10) Aativas ( http://thistimethattime.blogspot.in/ )
11) Ritvik ( http://casacio.blogspot.in/ )

Best of luck to you all...!!! 


  1. Again congrats and you are welcome!
    Keep blogging, buddy :)

    P.S: My name is just Akash. Govindarajan is my father's. :P. But thats OK! You are not the first one to call like this!! :)

  2. hey Ayushi many congratulations for the award and thank you so much for nominating me for the same :)

  3. Thank you Ayushi and congrats!!!

  4. Thank you so much!
    After such a delay, I'm finally done with it! :)


  5. You have a teddy named "Kaddu"? Ahem...


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