My kid does not have an Instagram page, here's why!

Disclaimer: This article does not intend to question or criticize anyone. Sole objective is to share my personal opinion. Images used are sourced from Google Images.

I have heard this as a mockery, suggestion and surprise, "Ooh! you don't have an Instagram page for your baby? He is so cute, you should!" Well I don't and I have no intentions of creating one anytime soon.

I agree that babies are cute and when it's your own, he/she is the cutest. I am in the age group where even when I sparingly open my social media accounts I stumble upon good number of photos and videos of little bundles of joy. I love them all. I do. 

Kids make angelic faces, say innocent things, dance and act amusingly. Why wouldn't camera love them? Yet it is hard for me to relate with the parents' obsession of sharing their baby's snaps doing almost everything, turn their activities into reels and stage a candid moment.

Please note that I am not condemning parents who manages and actively updates their child's page but here are the reasons why I don't!

1) Don't want to do "sharenting"

Sharenting is the practice of parents publicizing sensitive content about their children on internet platforms. (More on sharenting : Wikipedia) 

Updating social media with everything we do and everywhere we go is so conventional that we never ponder about the repercussions. One can argue that they are not publishing anything sensitive. Well yes and no. It depends how the data you shared can be manipulated. *fingers crossed*

As a mindful parent, we prudently decide what toys are good for our baby's brain development, what to serve in their plates and what health care products to use. Then why posting their events and milestones is such an imprudent activity? 

2) Respecting privacy

Parents share but a few share excessively. Worst part is they are doing it even without kid's consent. Wait! permission from a kid? Of course! Will you post your friend's image without their consent? Like an adult kids have every right to say yes or no to posting their pictures over internet. Do they ever get asked? No!

My kid has right to keep his life events private. I will be violating it if I am posting those moments without asking. 

However, before asking for the permission, it is my duty is to explain what my action means, how posting pictures over social media works.

Phew! lot of work, right? Is my kid ready to understand the process? No! which is why no Instagram page.

I'll wait for him to grow up, understand the online world and then decide what he wants to share. 

3) Keeping away from unsolicited expectations

Social media platforms are inseparable part of a Gen-Z's life. Their self worth equation is derived by the number of friends/followers, likes and quality of comments. They have their own cell phones and accounts at the age of 10 or even less. 

If I am managing my kid's page, the smart kid he is, will soon notice and will grow eager about every post. What am I posting? How many likes they are getting? What are the comments saying? What I am doing is intriguing him to operate social media sooner. It will hamper my kid's tender brain in undesirable ways. Unacceptable!

There are n-number of incidents where social media has caused depression, bulling and online abuse. Most of parents teach kids about the dangers of the physical world, which is now comparatively safer. But what about the world they carry in their hands and are constantly in touch with it. We do not educate them about the perils of the cyber world. 

4) Can't add another chore to my already long list

Hey I'm mom, I have hundred things to take care in just 24 hours without a good night sleep. I need break and a healthy and happy brain. 

Few years ago while I was frequently using Facebook and Instagram, I was constantly looking for something good to share. Why? Honestly to get validations from "friends" and “followers”. It took strong determination to make my life social media free. I cannot go back and live with the pressure of finding Instagram worthy snaps of my kid. It will be an unnecessary add-on. And for whom? 

Bare truth is no one appreciates your kid like you do. They will hit like and move on. That lovey-dovey images and videos you spent hour to edit won't stay in their RAM for more than a minutes.

Kudos to moms who are doing this, but for me it's a big NO. 

5) Setting example

Kids learn from parents. I want to set this example for my kid. Life is possible without social media, without status and reels. Life is happier without them. I wish he holds a book, play or create something when he has time. 

I want my boy to call me or a good friend rather then posting a status and wait for some random *friend* to anticipate his mood and show up in message box!

I wish him to learn real friends exists outside the 6 inch screen. One can loose followers but not a real friend. I want him to know that statistic on a social media page does not define or degrade him. And the most important, his happiness lies within him.

There is one more reason. Since I have not well researched it I am not citing it as a major point. There are incidents where personal images are used for brand promotions without the owner's consent. Yes legally you can fight for it and depending on the jurisdiction you can get heft compensation. However most us won't even think about knocking doors of the courtroom.

Kids are magic. They teaches us to love unconditionally. No camera in the world can capture what your kid means to you. No amount of likes or the comments can tell how wonderful your kid is. 

Many parents may not agree with me. That's okay! I am reiterating I am not against anyone who shares. These are only my personal reasons. I won’t deny that I had faced the dilemma whether  I should have an Instagram account for my kid or not. I went with latter.

I hope my readers make a conscious choice. The best option is to draw a line. Know how much is too much. And think before hitting that post button.

Happy parenting!


  1. Very thoughtful and rightly said

  2. Rightly said. People's craze of posting each and every thing on social media has made it like they have no private life. I would never want to share my private life moments with people I don't even talk in ages.

  3. I do agree with the thoughts now a days people often lives their reel ife instead real life


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